001: The Future Self
It is often said that beginning is the hardest part. Perhaps this is because we are naturally inclined to seek horizons. After all, there’s a lot of beauty in the big picture. There are parts of ourselves that want everything now, despite our knowing that the now is everything. It can seem, at times, too daunting a task to evolve. Neural habits are deeply programmed and encrypted, and we often find the most immediate byproduct of this reprogramming work is an uptick in our suffering and far less of that expected awe of insight.
-Jacqueline Livingston
We sometimes come to this work with the end result already in mind, our hopes inflated with the promise of being fully healed, and swiftly. We may expect to avoid scars in the process, but just as trees are records of weather--their bodies rendered “imperfect” over their gradual course of growth--we must leave behind expectations and surrender to the process, accepting that scars are a part of the healing process. In essence, we must grow where we are planted and accept our psychic soil.
No, you cannot have it all at once, and no, you will never finish the work completely. Healing does not crystalize or enter stasis. It is gyroscopic in nature, forever in search of balance as we interact with the world. To enter this space is to surrender the outcome, release the sense of control and make yourself willing to receive. It is to tune yourself through ritual, routine and daily practice so that moment by moment you can choose to move closer to congruency and resonance.
-Laura Kiora
All that being said, the horizon can offer us many things, especially in the beginning. If we can visualize or see concretely what it is we are after, then we will know when we have arrived. This is an integral part of my work with clients: entering a meditative state, tapping into the root of your creativity, visualizing, and what’s more, embodying the future so we can sense into these visions somatically. As an example, envision your dream life: what images or experiences do you attach to this vision? We can notice how this desire manifests in your body and work to understand how these images and attachments inform your experience.
I value therapy, it can play a huge role in healing, but where it can sometimes fall short is that its emphasis is on where lack resides. When we spend so much time describing what it is we don’t want, we forget to focus our energy on what it is we’re after. With an embodied approach we can experience what it is to feel as though we already have what we want. By actively sensing into your desires, what it feels like to be connected to others in your life, to be satisfied in your work and express yourself authentically, you are focusing your intention in a way that actually alters your reality. In that moment your body is experiencing the desire as attained! And now, having felt what you’ve long sought, you’re attuned to the experience and will be more able to recognize its presence and/or direction going forward. Through focusing on where the feeling is, rather than isn’t, we can construct a new framework within which you can live a more fulfilled life.
-Semjon Prosjak
These are simple tools available to everyone, but as we know, it’s starting that is difficult. At times we need accountability, or maybe just inspiration or habituation. Moving out of comfort zones, ditching narratives and unconscious beliefs that have, for so long, made the decisions for you--these are hard things to do. This is what makes the starting so hard. Through attunement you will gain awareness of old patterns, mapping and deconstructing their network in order to replace the maladaptive belief system you have spent a lifetime entrenching. All of this is done with particular focus on the new system. You will envision your most empowered self, be intentional with your plans and daily life, take an active approach to becoming the person you have only known shades of. You will do this with the support and aid of me and my teachers.
I am very happy you are here and hope to help you realize your potential. Maybe you sense that there’s something missing? Perhaps you know exactly what it is but are afraid to take the risk? Or maybe you are spinning your wheels in pursuit? I have been in each of these stages and have worked with many clients in these spaces too. This work will meet you where you are and show you what’s needed next.
I hope you will stick around and enjoy my offerings, like the monthly newsletter, guided meditations, group classes and my upcoming podcast where I will interview artists, intellectuals and healers.
I am so glad you’re here. Welcome to Inner Vision!
~Katie & the Inner Vision team